through Organizational Change,
Strategic Planning and Fundraising
Ten years from now, many of the current nonprofits that exist won’t anymore.
Those that do will be the ones that are making decisions today that helped them be successful.
Nonprofit boards want leaders with vast skillsets. They want their leader to know how to cast a vision, get the team on-board, raise money, effect change and do it all with humility and humor.
BUT, that unicorn is rare, and most leaders need partners to fill the gaps in their skillsets and provide support and guidance for at least part of the work they do.
“I understand what it’s like to lead an organization and feel the expectation to know it all but the internal dialogue that reminds you that you don’t and that you need help. The best move I ever made as a nonprofit leader was naming the areas that I needed support and finding the right help.
Now, as a speaker and consultant, I see it all the time. The expectation and the reality don’t match and leaders feel less than great. The fact is that those very leaders are great, they just need the right partners to fill the gaps and give the support they need.”
Evan has worked for and with nonprofit organizations across the United States for more than 20 years.
He is known widely for his expertise in managing organizational change, facilitating strategic planning and leading fundraising campaigns.
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